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获取更多爱情挽回攻略 婚姻修复技巧 恋爱脱单干货

一,喜欢你之后 手机多了一个城市的天气信息.

After I like you, the mobile phone has more weather information for a city.

二,去到你的城市 吹过你吹过的风 这样算不算相拥.

Go to your city and blow your wind. Is that a hug.


三,我为你翻山越岭 去无心看风景.

I went over the mountains for you and didn't want to see the scenery.

四,隔着遥远的距离 用招摇的方式爱你.

Love you with ostentation at a distance.

五,思念涌上心头时 想要越过方寸的屏幕拥抱你.

I want to hug you across the square screen when my thoughts come to my heart.

六,好心情有很多种 见到你是第一种.

There are many kinds of good mood to see you is the first.


Next time I see you, I'll hug you with the thoughts I've saved for so many days.

八,我已经等不到夏天了 就算拨开人群 也想去见你.

I can't wait till summer. I want to see you even if I set aside the crowd.

九,攒下所有梦见你的瞬间 够不够换见你一面.

Save all the moments to dream of you. Is that enough to see you again.


I blew your wind, is this a hug?


I like you, from beginning to end, serious and cowardly

十二,我不喜欢异地恋 但我喜欢你 希望有一天能挽着你的手去敬各位来宾的酒

I don't like long-distance relationships, but I do like you, and I hope one day I can hold your hand and toast to all the guests


Every time I meet, I will be excited for several days. After each separation, I feel like I am in love


If you care, you will be cranky. If you don't care, you won't even think about it


Looking back on all the heart-pounding of the moon, you still get the top spot


No matter when I will rush to you

十七,在乎才会胡思乱想 不在乎的话连想都不想

If you don't care, you don't even think about it


2024-04-20 17:04:45


2024-03-12 10:03:13



获取更多爱情挽回攻略 婚姻修复技巧 恋爱脱单干货

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